Viimeisin YK:n ilmastokokous järjestettiin Iso-Britannian Glasgow'ssa 31.10.-12.11.2021. Glasgow'n kokouksen keskeisenä tavoitteena oli kirittää maita ilmastotoimien kunnianhimossa. Sanomattakin selvää on, että tulevina vuosikymmeninä uusiutuviin energianlähteisiin tullaan syytämään varoja niin yksityisten sijoittajien salkuista, kuin poliittisin päätöksinkin.
Biden allekirjoitti viime viikolla 1,2 triljoonan dollarin päätöksen USA:n infran uudistamiseen. Tästä 65 miljardia on allokoitu uusiutuvan energian rakentamiseen.
Lähdin tämän myötä tutustumaan erityisesti Pohjois-Amerikkalaisiin energia-alan firmoihin ja tuolta silmiin osui mm. Brookfield Renewable, Nextera ja Enbridge. Aiemmin olen ollut skeptinen uusiutuvien kaupallistamisesta, mutta kyllähän nämä firmat ihan tulosta tekevät jo nyt. Näistä kaksi jälkimmäistä operoi vielä pääosin fossiilisilla lähteillä, mutta pyrkivät kasvuun uusiutuvien kautta.
"Brookfield has an excellent track record. Since its inception, the company has generated an annualized total return of 20%. Powering its growth has been the steady expansion of its portfolio through acquisitions and development projects. Those two factors have increased Brookfield's earnings at a more than 10% compound annual rate over the past decade, fueling 6% compound annual growth in its dividend payments since 2012.
Brookfield sees even more growth ahead -- up to 20% annually through 2025 -- powered by its extensive pipeline of renewable energy development projects and additional acquisitions. That should enable the company to hike its dividend by 5% to 9% per year -- making it one of the best renewable energy dividend stocks while maintaining its top-notch balance sheet."
Roughly 14% of EBITDA comes from a regulated natural gas distribution business. And the rest, a scant 3%, is devoted to renewable power that gets sold under long-term contracts. That last one is pretty tiny, but the goal is to use the carbon businesses to fund the growth of the clean energy operations over time.
That brings us to Enbridge's capital spending plans. As they stand right now, the North American midstream giant is targeting 16% of its investment spending toward the clean energy portion of its business. That's far in excess of the 3% of EBITDA clean energy represents, and it includes a number of large offshore wind projects in Europe. But that outsize spending should lead this business to become more important over time, even as the carbon-based businesses continue to toss off huge amounts of cash. Notably, Enbridge expects to have an excess $2 billion in cash flow in 2022 that it will have to find a home for, which could include stock buybacks, so it won't have any problem finding the money for this effort, and may even augment it over time. Meanwhile income-focused investors can collect a fat 6.6% dividend yield while management works, slowly, to update with the world around it.
Fortumia varmaan monen salkusta löytyy, mutta oletteko sijoittaneet muihin energiafirmoihin? Enbridgen muhkea osinko allekirjoittanutta houkuttaa ainakin. Fossiilisten polttoaineiden tarve ei hetkessä mihinkään katoa ja firmalta löytyy pääomaa uusiutuviin siirtymiseen asteittain.