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Nordnet - Kysymyksiä ja vastauksia
22.2.2025 - 21:34
Minua on ihmetyttänyt, että yksillä tunnuksilla pystyy kirjautumaan kaikille Nordnetin domaineille eli fi/se/dk/no. Itselläni löytyy tilit Suomesta ja Ruotsista ja joskus vahingossa kirjautunut väärän maan tunnuksilla ja yllätyksekseni sisään pääsi normaalisti.
Ruotsin markkinat pakkoruotsin taitajille
3.8.2022 - 22:18
DI:lle täältäkin suositus. Välillä tutkailen Ruotsiosakkeiden teknistä analyysia DI:n kautta, esim Smart Eye:
Nostaisin esille yksityishenkilön pitämän analyysitoimiston: Olen tätä seurannut sivusilmällä, etenkin Polygiene omistuksen takia, jota viime dipistä kauhoin isosti. Avanzan foorumi on jo lähes vuoden ollut "temporarily closed". Kun aukenee, niin sitä tulee taas selattua.
Makrotason ilmiönä odottelen miten korkojen nousu vaikuttaa. Riksbankin korko 0.75%. Voi olla, että paluu on malliin ettei asuntolainoja tarvitse lyhentää ollenkaan. Pitääkin uusia lånelöfte ja odotella ostopaikkaa.
5.7.2022 - 19:13
Nordnetin twitteristä bongattu. Taitaa täälläkin usealla vaihtunut Aspire Evoon.
2.5.2022 - 20:32
LeoVegas tänään +42%; ostotarjous 61 SEK per osake MGM:lta eli noin 600 MUSD -kauppa. Mikähän pelifirma on seuraavana konsolidoitumisjonossa. Ken tietää, kertokoon.…
21.4.2022 - 16:42
Itseä kiinnostaisi tietää onko kukaan tehnyt dd ja hypännyt Aspiren hankkivan NeoGamesin kyytiin? Tällä hetkellä kurssi lähes all time low lukemissa:
Aspire Global
18.1.2022 - 01:36
Onnittelut kaikille mukanaolijoille. Itselle tulee vaan ~10k€ hyvää. Kirosin suunnattomasti kun puhelimeen kilahti viesti. Aivan liian aikaisin ja halvalla. Positiona pelkästään 3xbull-lappuja, ja tänään ostot olivat Aspiren ja Evon välillä, suuntautuen jälkimmäiseen.
ehkä kerkee huomennakin katsomaan mikä tämä NeoGames on. Miten tapahtuu bull-sertifikaateille lunastustilanteessa? Ehkä senkin kerkeää tarkistaa huomenna. Prkl. Otan lisää viskiä.
Aspire Global
12.1.2022 - 08:17
Memo #4 - Aspire Global $ASPIRE
A heavily illiquid and overlooked vertically integrated iGaming supplier with a wide moat, opportunistic management, asymmetric financial profile and extremely undemanding valuation.— Tristan Waine (@Tristanwaine) January 10, 2022
Eläköityneen optiospekulantin portfoliosijoitukset
12.1.2022 - 07:46
Kiitoksia kirjoituksista. Tähän kolumniin tarvitsisi jatko-osan: mitä tehdä kun fomotuttaa?
Myin vuoden lopussa kovasti ja nopeasti nousseet laput pois, toiveissa ostaa ne takaisin piakkoin halvemmalla. Noin viikon kurssit liikkuivat oikeaan suuntaan, mutta heti ensimmäisenä nousupäivänä sormet hiipivät ostonäppäimelle. Voisi vielä odotella, vai onko jokainen dippi ostopaikka edelleen...
Aspire Global
6.1.2022 - 19:12
Myös, olen pyrkinyt etsimään vastaavaa ETF kuten $BETZ jenkeissä, jota voi ostaa Euroopasta. Löysin eilen tämmöisen XETRASTA: Fischer Sports Betting & iGaming UCITS ETF /…
Huomasin, että Aspire on täälläkin pienellä painolla (0.47%):…
Uskon (netti)rahapeliyhtiöiden maailman valloitukseen ja voisin kuvitella hajauttavani sijoituksen tähän tai vastaavaan vaikkapa kuukausisäästösopimuksella.
Aspire Global
6.1.2022 - 18:51
Mielenkiintoinen haastattelu Aspiren uuden jenkkievetäjä Quincy Ravenin kanssa. Lyhykäisyydessään Aspire avannee toimiston Las Vegasiin Q1:lla ja rekryää staffia. Fully up n running tänä vuonna. Kuulostaa, että tarkoitus on copy-pastettaa Maltan toiminnot Jenkkeihin. Itseä kovetti klippi niin paljon, että convertoin videon tekstimuotoon ja kävin läpi ajatuksen kanssa. Alla olevassa litteroinnissa on omia editointeja mukana joten vastuu lukijalla, mm. pisteitä ja pilkkuja lisätty ja poistettu pari tusinaa yeah, you know, um, right, so. Haastattelu löytyy täältä
In this interview, Aspire Global’s managing director of US operations, Quincy Raven, discusses the company’s vision for the burgeoning US market:
Haastattelija: Today we want to introduce you to Quincy Raven the first US-focused hire of Aspire Global the online gaming platform that's seen spectacularly rapid growth of late with each set of quarterly earnings outpacing the last. So tell us a bit more about Quincy Raven and your career in the gaming industry.
Quincy: I’m a resident here in Las Vegas, I’ve been here 16 years now and my background spans the largest suppliers that you could think of in the gaming industry from a technology content and everything in between. I’ve opened markets, I’ve grown markets and very excited to be here with Aspire now. It's a company that is very relevant in markets outside of the United States and I’m fortunate enough to be employee number one on the ground to be the tip of the spear as we say and bring us in set up operations and build quite a business here.
Haastattelija: I mean you're hinting there that the reason you joined Aspire, but what excites you in particular about the Aspire story and how they've positioned themselves in the gaming space that's up so spectacularly on the Internet?
Quincy: It's actually a great story with Aspire. The company itself started 15 years ago as a B2C operator, and so with the B2C origins the products built and put together have really been with the eye on the customer and that customer being the player. That player journey, that engagement and really offering the entertainment venue that they want to see, be iGaming, be a sport, and anything that really connects that player back to that operated brand. But with the B2C origin, while very important at the same time, my timing, I personally think, is quite nice in that the company made a decision to pivot completely into being a B2B operator and be a provider across the globe. Today Aspire is in 30 different jurisdictions, also here in the US through our content brands in Pariplay, but with the pivot we actually just closed last week on the funding, that gives us a tremendous amount of capital to invest in this market, as well as other key markets, but it's no surprise that the US is the number one priority for the company. It gives us an opportunity to take our heritage of B2C and take our products and everything that we effectively built for ourselves and put it in front of the customer base here in the US. The growth here is explosive and what we've got in the marketplace are a number of seasoned operators but also you probably have more new operators than old, because this market is growing at such a rapid pace. What really gets me excited, and not to dwell necessarily on technology, but on the strategic acquisitions, that have been made to build the value chain from the PAM from the Sport from the Content, and then with the management team, that I’m surrounded with and at the board level. Earlier this year when Aspire reached out and we started having the conversations could I potentially come over and lead the company here in the US, I of course, was talking with Tsachi our CEO and working with Barak, the founder, and talking with the board on what is the strategy, and as you might imagine we interrogated one another back and forth, back and forth on how do we see this space and what level of investment is required, and I was clearly pleasantly surprised. One month ago, I was actually out in Malta meeting with all the operations teams and it really kind of fortified the vision that I’ve been talking with the management team about and I would say I’m very fortunate to be here I think it's a wonderful combination.
Haastattelija: Now there are a lot of folks piling into this market because as you say its growth has been absolutely spectacular really explosive so how do you think Aspire will make its mark and how do you see your key priorities as this you know tip of the spear as you put?
Quincy: I think there's a couple points here. There have been absolutely operators, or rather suppliers, that have come into the market over the last few years, from we go back to when New Jersey opened up with a core iGaming market (…?) and then you've got a lot of market entrance coming in to a highly regulated market, so there have been a number of suppliers that, I would suggest, they kind of dip their toe in to see will this work. It's hard work to be in the US, it's a highly regulated market, and we have players iGaming, and in sport online wager might be new as a category, the American player understands what they want to do. The American player loves NFL, loves MLB, Baseball, all of this. There's an Americanisation that is required to any technology that comes in and then also with that, it's the personnel and it's localizing what the offering is. So as part of my coming on board, even obviously before the announcement, we outline plans of what will the US look like as an operation, because what the US will not look like for Aspire Global, is a country or a region we operate in, what I’m doing & going into next year, is I’m establishing our first office here in Las Vegas. I will replicate the operations teams, from the CRM teams to customer support, managed trading services, all of these things, you would expect in any robust supplier relationship, it will all be localized here to the US. And that's something, over the last specifically three years, the client base, the partners you go from state to state, whether they're corporates or their tribals, they're desperate for the rep for the technical, the product, and the business representation to be here on this continent, because time zones are time zones, and there's an understanding of the regional markets where collegiate might be more important than professional sports et cetera. The difference there is, we have excellent technology and going back to the points I made earlier on, we built the technology for ourselves, so it's kind of the eat your own dog food mentality, we look at CRM, and you're probably seeing a lot of this in the press, the cost of acquisition per player today in the United States it's astronomical, depending on the market that you're in. We have tools in place in the tech stack itself that actually allow the operator to make those acquisition and retention decisions on their own rather than having to go out to third party, after third party, after third party, to kind of ask them how to run their own business. There's a level of expertise, there's localization and there's the commitment to building the US Aspire Global, U.S. organization out rather than it being supported solely from overseas.
Haastattelija: That's fascinating so very much a US operation with a US look and feel all the way through it so just conclude what can we expect to see from you in 2022 as you get going?
Quincy: In 2022, in first quarter that's when the operations teams are starting to be pulled in. I actually was in some office spaces two weeks ago here in Las Vegas taking a look at where are we going to put the teams, where am I going to be sitting, and identifying you know the right talent. And the nice thing about Las Vegas, is the talent. The talent bed here is growing rapidly, because the biggest names in our space are recruiting and they've finally figured out that Las Vegas is the right place to be doing it. We're going to stand up our hub here and, where certain jurisdictions require personnel on the ground, of course we'll adapt to that. In 2022, you can expect to see Aspire Global US as a fully formed company here and taking all three of our group companies into a single market.