Viimeisimmät viestit
Varakassa tienä onneen
20.1.2021 - 15:42
Miten varakassa ja velkavipu suhtautuvat toisiinsa? Hajautetussa varovaisessa salkussa esimerkiksi 5% velkarahaa on melko turvallinen ja halpa tapa nostaa odotustuottoa. Pitäisikö maksaa velkavivusta korkoa ja samaan aikaan pitää viereisellä tilillä isoa pinoa käteistä nollakorolla?
Usa Vaalit 2020
29.11.2020 - 10:55
Betfairin touhuihin liittyen:…
Update on settlement of the US election markets on the Betfair Exchange (dated Friday, 27th November, [17:00])
We have not settled certain markets on the Betfair Exchange relating to the U.S. election because of the uncertainty about the outcome of the results caused by ongoing recounts and potential legal challenges.
Given our responsibility to both backers and layers to ensure that the markets are settled correctly and given the unprecedented amount of money that has been traded on these markets, we have sought advice from leading U.S. lawyers to determine the appropriate time to settle the markets.
We currently anticipate that we will wait until the outcome of the Electoral College votes on 14 December 2020 is known before we settle the markets. This, of course, assumes that there is no conclusive outcome before this date.
The Exchange was briefly suspended at [17:00] this afternoon (Nov 27) to clear unmatched bets. It has now reopened for customers to trade their positions.